
Use Employee Goal Setting and Performance Management in Your Efforts to Improve Healthcare Outcomes

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Performance Management and Goal Setting are not the sole responsibility of Human Resources. It requires the commitment of leadership to ongoing employee development, goal setting, and regular feedback. In fact, trends across the nation reflect that performance management is no longer an annual activity, but one that is ongoing through regular communication and feedback sessions. Research says that 80% of millennials say they prefer ongoing feedback instead of a formal one time per year approach.

Performance Management is a critical element of your overall Talent Management strategy. Performance management ensures that the right people at the right levels are equipped to achieve optimal performance outcomes.

HealthStream has assembled an eBook to help you explore and understand the value your human resources organization and processes can bring to any improvement initiatives. It contains:

  • Infographic: Is Your Organization a Revolving Door?

    Healthcare HR departments are constantly under pressure to deliver a first-rate workforce. Contributing to this pressure is employee turnover — one of the most costly issues for organizations. Explore the costs and reasons for turnover and understand several solutions to it.

  • White Paper: Improving Outcomes Through Goal-Setting

    The topic of organizational goal setting is not new, however, that does not mean most organizations do it effectively. The idea behind goal setting is to identify what you want the organization to accomplish and to identify specific behaviors and tactics needed to achieve those goals. This ideal trickles down to departments, teams, and individuals. Investigate the process for goal setting at the organizational level, the right way to implement it, and the people structure needed to guide its success through accountability and necessary participation

  • Video: Goals Management

    Goal setting is one of the most important activities for any organization. A culture that ensures all employees understand their roles, expectations, and why they are critical to the organization’s success will find themselves well prepared to handle the many challenges in healthcare today. Empower every team member to provide patient-centered excellence through goals management.

  • White Paper: The Power of Total Rewards

    For busy healthcare professionals, with little time for anything other than seeing patients during their shifts, it is easy to ignore the value of these unseen benefits. Yet imagine if nurses, doctors, administrators, and other staff saw nearly a 50% increase in their paycheck’s value simply by seeing the true value of these unseen benefits. How could that influence retention and engagement? Would employees still demand the same level of cash/salary increases year after year? Here are nine guidelines for communicating better with employees about compensation.

  • Infographic: Show Your Employees Their Total Paycheck

    Begin to appreciate how you can improve retention by sharing the full extent to which you invest in your employees.

  • Industry Perspective: 5 Ways Compensation Planning Can Improve Employee Retention

    For most healthcare organizations, their greatest expense—and greatest differentiator—is their employees. Numerous studies have shown that a competent, tenured workforce is key to achieving positive outcomes and providing a superior patient experience. Conversely, performance can be jeopardized when employee turnover is high. Yet, turnover rates in the healthcare industry continue to rise, fueling increasing anxiety about the quality of care that is being provided. Understand the role compensation can play in supporting employee retention, as well as ways healthcare organizations can use a strong compensation strategy to reduce employee turnover.

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