Using Certifications and Badges to Recognize Training Achievements in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Staff

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

According to Susan Gurzynski-Wells, MS, RHIA, Senior Product Manager, Revenue Cycle for HealthStream, any education program should also include a way to provide visible proof of achievement, she adds. Attaining a certification or badge, such as a UB-04, which covers medical terminology, or modifiers, is a sound way to make that happen.

Publicly Confirm Newly Gained Competency

“When you are training someone as they come into a role, allowing them to sit for those badges and certifications is a confirmation of their competency,” Gurzynski-Wells says. “It also alleviates the concern around skill gaps, because the testing can be done before and after the associated curriculum is completed. It shows that the employee can do these functions and then spurs them on to further professional development.”

“People Want to Grow”

“Badges get a lot of buy-in because people want to grow,” adds Beth Ottinger, RN, BSN, CPC, CCS, an AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/ PCS Trainer and Vice President, Product Management Education with nThrive.  “Everybody wants to see something by their name; they love to see those letters from a certification or a badge. It’s a stamp of approval, and it also shows that you are always learning. People get excited about having those opportunities.”

This blog post excerpts the HealthStream article Growth Potential: Career Pathways Offering Mentorship and Education Can Engage and Motivate Revenue Cycle Staff. Other content about enhancing and protecting the revenue cycle workforce includes:

  • Create a multifaceted path around retention
  • Turnover and retention challenges among healthcare revenue cycle staff
  • Mentoring programs also enhance performance
  • Pre-employment testing protects employer investment

Access the full article.

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